Call for Articles
The EFFORTS, Journal of Education and Research (EJER) is a peer-reviewed open access research journal published by Research Management Cell (RMC), Nilkantha Multiple Campus, TribhuvanUniversity, Nepal. EJER publishes research articles, research reports, and book reviews annually (in February) and serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, academic professionals, universities, and research organizations.It is the official journal of NMC which yields ample opportunities for sharing research practices among teachers, researchers, graduate scholars, education leaders, policy makers, managers, and practitioners of interdisciplinary subjects.
The Research Management Cell of Nilkantha Multiple Campus humbly requests to all valued research scholars and writers tosubmitresearch-basedempirical articles/papers for its Fifth Volume (to be published on February 2024).
Author Submission Guidelines
1. Articles should be 5000 to 7000 words (including references and appendices).
2. Times New Roman in 12-point font size for English language and Preeti in 14-point size for Nepali language is to be followed. Single spaces must be there. Pagination should be 1 inch on all sides on an A4 paper. No need to mention the page number.
3. The author's details and contact should be on a separate page (first page), and the title (maximum 12 words), the abstract (150 to 200 words), the key words (3-5 words) and the article should start from the second page.
4. Tables, charts, graphs should be numbered and clearly visible in black and white (Follow APA 7th style).
5. If there is any acknowledgment or declaration, it should be mentioned before references. Appendices should be placed after references. Please avoid long appendices.
6. Footnotes are not allowed.
7. Authors will be responsible for plagiarism. Plagiarized writing from any author might result in cancelling that particular author from submitting writing in this journal later on.
8. The article must be submitted through email by July 30, 2023 at: