
Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

1. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers who are experts in their respective disciplines.

2. First, a potential reviewer is identified and contacted with a request through email by the editor. Then, the editor sends the manuscript to the reviewer with the URL.

3. The reviewer can access the manuscript through his/her email. If a reviewer decides to make specific changes to the manuscript, they should use the “track changes” function in Word.

4. Once the manuscript has been read, the reviewer must make a recommendation regarding the publication of the article.

5. The manuscript should be accepted for publication by the EJER. Revisions are required by the author to ensure that the manuscript is ready for publication.

6. The manuscript needs a substantial revision of its content and its structure. The author should revise the entry and then resubmit it to the EJER for consideration.

7. The reviewers’ decision with copies of their reviews will be forwarded to the author as far as possible.

8. The EJER cannot guarantee how long the review process takes, but we ensure that the process is completed within six months from the submission of the manuscript.

9. If an author is invited to resubmit an article for review, we ask that the author resubmit their piece within 2 weeks.

10. Authors should include the original version of the article and the comments that were made regarding the revisions.